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Our Constitution

Constitution of Association Diplomatic Spouses’ Association z.s.




The Diplomatic Spouses’ Association o.s. was incorporated into the Register of Czech Ministry of Internal Affairs under the Act No. 83/1990 Coll., an association of citizens, as amended, on 27 April 2006 under legal form of association of citizens. With effect as of 1 st January 2014 the Diplomatic Spouses’ Association o.s. is considered as an association under the Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, as amended (hereinafter the CC). As from the above date, the former association of citizens is an association under the CC and as from the date of adopting this constitution bears the name “Diplomatic Spouses’ Association z.s.”.


Article 1 – General


The Diplomatic Spouses’ Association z.s., identification no. 709 359 47, Commercial Register by Municipal Court in Prague, Section L, file 16695 (hereinafter the DSA) is a voluntary, non-profit, non-political and independent international organization based in Prague, Czech Republic that respects the diversity of creed, race, culture and tradition.


The DSA’s registered office is: Prague.


The financial year of the DSA starts on January 1 and ends on December 31, annually.


A representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic shall be the contact to the DSA in the Czech Republic.


Article 2 – Mission


The mission of the DSA is to create a community for spouses and partners of the heads of diplomatic missions accredited to the Czech Republic. We aim to promote relationships and strengthen friendship between the DSA members (hereinafter the members) representing their respective countries and multi-lateral organizations (together, hereinafter Diplomatic Missions), and people of the Czech Republic. The primary role of the DSA is to provide cultural and social experiences in the Czech Republic for its membership. One important role of the DSA is fundraising for charities in the host country to help those in need.


Article 3 – Memberships and Volunteers






The spouses and partners of the Heads of Diplomatic Missions accredited in the Czech Republic are eligible to become members of the DSA by submitting their written request in the prescribed form. If a Diplomatic Mission accredited in the Czech Republic is not represented in the DSA by the spouse or partner of the Head of the Diplomatic Mission, the Head of such Diplomatic Mission may nominate one representative, who is the spouse or partner of a Diplomat at their Diplomatic Mission, to be eligible to become a member of the DSA by submitting a written request to the President.




Associate Membership


A DSA member or the Head of a Diplomatic Mission accredited to the Czech Republic may nominate the spouse or partner of a Diplomat representing the same country or organization to be eligible to become an associate member by submitting a written request in the prescribed form. Associate members pay the annual membership fee but do not have voting rights.






The President, in consultation with the DSA Committee, decides on admission of new members and associate members, as well as renewals of memberships, on the basis of the written request. The DSA membership or associate membership shall be established or renewed upon having the request accepted and having paid the annual membership fee. Each Diplomatic Mission is entitled to be represented by one voting member and any number of non-voting associate members. Membership and associate membership is personal and not transferable.


The DSA membership (including associate membership) shall end:


(i) upon the person from whom the person derives their membership ceasing to be a Head of the Diplomatic Mission accredited in the Czech Republic;


(ii) when the person leaves the Czech Republic permanently. In case of any doubts whether the person has departed the Czech Republic permanently, the Committee may, by simple majority vote, decide on termination of that person’s membership in DSA; (iii) when the person is replaced by a new incoming member or associate member from their Diplomatic Mission in accordance with the usual requirements for membership;


(iv) by submitting a written request for resignation to the President. The membership ceases on the day the resignation is delivered to the President;


(v) in other circumstances that may arise, to be determined by the Committee by simple majority vote.






From time to time, the President in consultation with the Committee may invite individuals to act as volunteers to temporarily assist the DSA and the Committee in various roles and tasks. A volunteer is not a member or associate member and attends meetings at the invitation of the Committee. A volunteer’s role is as defined and requested by the Committee, and agreed by the individual, and lasts until completed or otherwise terminated by agreement or by either the Committee or the volunteer. No term of a volunteer shall be for longer than one year unless otherwise agreed and extended by the Committee.


Article 4 – Governing Bodies


The DSA governing bodies shall be: the DSA General Meeting, the President and the Committee.


Only the DSA’s members shall be appointed President or officers of the Committee unless otherwise stipulated below.




The General Meeting:


- The General Meeting (hereinafter the GM) is the supreme body of the DSA. The GM shall make decisions on DSA's policy and activities, shall vote for a new President, Vice-President and new members of the Committee, shall approve the Constitution and its amendments, and shall approve the annual report, as well as adopt any other decision brought before it.


- The Annual General Meeting shall be called at least once a year by a written notice that is sent to all members electronically at least 15 days prior to the meeting.


- The extraordinary GM shall be convened when the Committee deems that is necessary or when requested by more than 25% of the members. The extraordinary GM shall be called by a written notice that is sent to all members electronically at least 7 days prior to the meeting, or such other period as is warranted in the circumstances.






The GM shall make decisions by a simple majority vote of the members present. The number required for a majority is determined by the quorum present at the meeting, in person and by written proxy.


The GM shall make decisions by voting of members present and represented by written proxy. The expression of the will of a member who is not present at the GM in person must unambiguously indicate how he or she votes.






The President:


- The President is the statutory body of the DSA.


- The President shall be the spouse or partner of an ambassador accredited to the Czech Republic.


- The term of the office of the President is one year. There is no restriction on the number of terms.


- The President shall preside over the GMs, organize and coordinate the DSA activities and oversee their implementation.


- The President represents the DSA in the Czech Republic and abroad.


The Committee:


- The Committee shall assist the President in her/his tasks.


- The Committee consists of the President, Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer and three Coordinators for Culture, Charity and an annual charity event.


- The term of the office of the member of the Committee is one year. There is no restriction on the number of terms.


- In case the President cannot temporarily perform her/his office, the Vice-President shall act on behalf and perform duties of the President until the President can resume her/his office.


- The Secretary shall keep minutes of the GM and the Committee meetings, attendance record of the members, copies of the resolutions passed at the GMs and send notices or information to the members. The Secretary shall keep all minutes and records and upon leaving the Committee pass them over to the newly appointed Secretary or, if the Secretary’s office is vacant, to the President.


- The Treasurer shall be responsible for the DSA budget and finances, collect membership fees and proceeds from the DSA activities, make payments for charities, printing, postage, gifts, events or any other expenses deemed necessary. The Treasurer shall decide together with the President on drawing of funds from the DSA budget as well as on other financial matters. The DSA shall establish and maintain a bank account in its name with the signatures of the President, the VicePresident and the Treasurer, each authorized for disbursement of funds from the account. The Treasurer shall keep all financial records and upon leaving the Committee pass them over to the newly appointed Treasurer or, if the Treasurer’s office is vacant, to the President.


- The Committee shall decide on the amount of the membership fee and its due date.


- The Committee sets the Charity Guidelines and makes decisions about distribution of funds according to the guidelines.


- The Committee can nominate a working subcommittee to achieve a given task.


Article 5 - Rights and Duties of the Members


Each member shall act in good faith, loyalty and care in the best interests of the DSA and all of its members. Each member, except associate members, disposes of one vote and shall be entitled to participate in and vote at the General Meeting. Each member also has the right to make recommendations to DSA and its bodies and participate in all DSA activities and the GM.


Other rights and duties of the DSA members can be determined by the General Meeting’s decision.


This constitution was adopted at the General Meeting on June 27, 2016 and amended at the General Meetings on November 3rd , 2017, September 22nd , 2020, and September 30, 2024.

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